Biomass and Biobased Product Development

The research within this Learning Community is about what to do with biomass. This can be waste processing, such as composting and fermentation. Of course, you prefer not to talk about waste streams, but raw material flows, which look at the reprocessing of the flow into a usable product or possibly energy. A lot of research is being done into the production of biofuel from biomass such as roadside waste and manure. This can be done through the biological process of fermentation. This can also be done through thermal processes such as pyrolysis. Biomaterials are being used more and more often. Wood is of course the best-known example, but there are also other possibilities, for example a composite of which part is biobased. Wood is a well-known source of fiber, there are more crops that have a higher production per hectare. Examples include elephant grass and hemp. In the past, flax was grown in the Netherlands as a raw material for textiles. Even nettles can be used with fibre. The recovery of fibres from wastewater may also be one of the options.

By the way, ever heard of biocoating?